Litany of Blessed Waters
(Download a Word Document to adapt for your congregation)
Litany Developed for use at St. Mark's Presbyterian Church, Tucson, AZ
Leader: O Spirit in Flesh, life force and power binding all that lives and moves and has being, we remember the blessed waters of paradise. They anointed us in baptism to love, to touch, to see, to breath, to drink, and to hold as precious this material life, this refreshing gift of liquid life.
People: We give thanks, O God, that you have blessed us with an earthly home, moistened always and everywhere with the life-giving waters of paradise.
You have made the weeping gray skies that drench the hard, thirsty dirt of despair.
We give thanks for the blessed waters of our baptism and for their incomparable powers.
You have made the churning, impatient rivers that rush to the welcoming oceans of life.
We give thanks for the blessed waters of our baptism and for their incomparable powers.
You have made the waiting, ruffled seas that embrace the everflowing streams of righteousness.
We give thanks for the blessed waters of baptism and for their incomparable powers.
You have made the dark muddy ponds that shelter the smooth white stones of hope.
We give thanks for the blessed waters of our baptism and for their incomparable powers.
You have made the fierce hot steam that spews from the bowels of earth's passionate core.
We give thanks for the blessed waters of our baptism and for their incomparable powers.
You have made the mighty shoreline waters that feel the tug of the moon and its time.
We give thanks for the blessed waters of our baptism and for their incomparable powers.
You have made the hidden, subterranean lakes that rise through dry sands into the waiting skies of heaven.
We give thanks for the blessed waters of our baptism and for their incomparable powers.
You have made the soft moist earth that offers drink to the greening greedy gardens of our souls.
We give thanks for the blessed waters of our baptism and for their incomparable powers.
You have made the sweat, the tears of lamentation and of joy, and the blood coursing through us as the body of Christ.
ALL: We give thanks, O God, that you have blessed us with an earthly home, moistened always and everywhere with the life-giving waters of paradise.
Help us, O Spirit, to honor this gift of life, so that the garden of delight may flourish and the lives of all earth's creatures may be blessed. AMEN.